Business Quotes – Motivational Words to Thrive Your Business

The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows - Aristotle Socrates Onassis

A budget tells us
what we can’t afford,
but it doesn’t keep us
from buying it.

William Feather

(1889 – 1981, American publisher and author)

Business Quote: Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm - Winston Churchill

Basic research
is like shooting
an arrow in the air
and, where it lands,
painting a target.

Homer Burton Adkins

(1892 – 1949, American chemist)

More business
is lost every year
through neglect
than through any other cause.

Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy

(1890 – 1995, American philanthropist,
and the mother of JFK)

To succeed in business,
to reach the top,
an individual
must know all
it is possible
to know
about that business.

Jean Paul Getty

(1892 – 1976, Anglo-American industrialist)

more than
any other occupation,
is a continual dealing
with the future;
it is
a continual calculation,
an instinctive exercise
in foresight.

Henry Robinson Luce

(1898 – 1967, magazine magnate)

If you’re not
a risk taker,
you should get the hell
out of business.

Raymond Albert “Ray” Kroc

(1902 – 1984, American businessman of Czech origin,
oversaw McDonald’s worldwide growth)

Try, try, try,
and keep on trying
is the rule
that must be followed
to become an expert
in anything.

W. Clement Stone

(1902 – 2002, businessman, and philanthropist)

The secret of business
is to know something
that nobody else knows.

Aristotle Socrates Onassis

(1906 – 1975, Greek Argentine shipping magnate)

All lasting business
is built on friendship.

Alfred A. Montapert

(*1906, American author and philosopher)

The entrepreneur always
searches for change,
responds to it,
and exploits it
as an opportunity.

Peter Ferdinand Drucker

(1909 – 2005, Austrian-American management consultant)

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