Ask yourself this question:
‘Will this matter a year from now?’
Richard Carlson

A winner is just a loser
who tried one more time.
George M. Moore Jr.
The struggle you’re in today is developing
the strength you need for tomorrow.
Don’t give up.
Robert Tew
Keep Moving Forward
Walt Disney Company
A winner is someone
who gets up one more time
than he is knocked down.
Author Unknown
Difficult things take a long time,
impossible things a little longer.
Author Unknown
It is not wanting to win
that makes you a winner;
it is refusing to fail.
Author Unknown
The day you give up on your dreams
is the day you give up on yourself.
Author Unknown
When you feel like giving up,
remember why you held on
for so long in the first place.
Never give up on something
you really want.
It’s difficult to wait,
but more difficult to regret.