Being a player is part of life’s game.
Welcome to our hand-picked collection of 25 of the best quotes about ‘playing’ by famous champions, historians, philosophers, professional sportsmen and sportswomen, chess grandmasters, famous rock singers, baseball, football and soccer players and many more…
Although the paths to glory may seem a constant, endless struggle, every player has the satisfaction of knowing that his own route is both individual and unique.
Victory and success are the ultimate rewards for playing well, even if the journey is not always easy.
The quotes are sorted in chronological order by the birth year of the author and provide an interesting picture how the perception on ‘playing’ has developed over time.
Enjoy, play and share! 🙂
Each player
must accept the cards
life deals him or her:
but once
they are in hand,
he or she alone
must decide
how to play the cards
in order to win the game.
François-Marie Arouet,
known by his nom de plume Voltaire
historian and philosopher)

The player envies
only the player,
the poet envies
only the poet.
William Hazlitt
The chessboard is
the world,
the pieces are
the phenomena of the universe,
the rules of the game are
what we call
the laws of Nature.
The player on the other side
is hidden from us.
Thomas Henry Huxley
known as “Darwin’s Bulldog”)
Trade a player
a year too early
rather than
a year too late.
Wesley Branch Rickey
The mark of a great player
is in his ability
to come back.
The great champions
have all come back
from defeat.
Samuel Jackson Snead
Every great player
has learned the two Cs:
how to concentrate
and how to maintain composure.
John Byron Nelson, Jr.
who can outline plays
on a blackboard
are a dime a dozen.
The ones who win
get inside their player
and motivate.
Vincent Thomas “Vince” Lombardi
coach, and executive)
All coaching is,
is taking a player
where he can’t take himself.
William Paul McCartney