A football team is like a piano.
You need eight men to carry it
and three
who can play the damn thing.
Bill Shankly
and Liverpool manager)

In order to have a winner,
the team must have
a feeling of unity;
every player must put the team
first-ahead of personal glory.
Paul William “Bear” Bryant
If a team is to reach its potential,
each player must be willing
to subordinate his personal goals
to the good of the team.
Charles Burnham “Bud” Wilkinson
coach, broadcaster and politician)
When a team outgrows
individual performance
and learns team confidence,
excellence becomes a reality.
Joseph Vincent “Joe” Paterno
Do you want a collection
of brilliant minds
or a brilliant collection of minds?
Meredith Belbin
If you first take a minute,
an hour or a month
to let go of feeling annoyed,
frustrated or critical
of the person or situation
that may be driving you crazy,
you set yourself up
for much greater leadership
and personal success.
John Kuypers
and organisational development expert)
How could you have
a soccer team
if all were goalkeepers?
How would it be
an orchestra
if all were French horns?
Desmond Mpilo Tutu
and retired Anglican bishop)