There is no such thing
as one-man show
in a winning team.
Jose B. Cabajar
(*1952, pastor of Ilagan Baptist Church [Philippines],
artist, poet and writer)
artist, poet and writer)
On the field
we are only
as strong as
we are together.
Rob Kool
(*1970, American sports coach)
Anyone who imagines
they can work alone
winds up surrounded
by nothing but rivals,
without companions.
The fact is
no one ascends alone.
Lance Edward Armstrong
(*1971, American former professional road racing cyclist)
Only by binding together
as a single force
will we remain
strong and unconquerable.
Chris Bradford
(*1974, English author,
professional musician and martial artist)
professional musician and martial artist)
we are one drop.
we are an ocean.
Ryunosuke Satoro
(Japanese Poet)
If everyone helps
to hold up the sky,
then one person
does not become tired.
Askhari Johnson Hodari
(Professor and practitioner of African studies)
Together Everyone Achieves More