Have you ever had the experience that many things seemingly solve themselves when we stop fighting against them and let go?
But for letting go of the past, having faith in the future is necessary. Without this confidence we are not able to lead a relaxed life and develop trust. The next threat could lurk behind every corner.
That applies to your profession, your relationship, your health or everything else.
Those who trust us
educate us.
Mary Anne Evans,
known by her pen name George Eliot
journalist, and translator)
To be trusted
is a greater compliment
than being loved.
George MacDonald
I’m not upset
that you lied to me
I’m upset
that from now on
I can’t believe you.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
cultural critic, and poet)
You must trust
and believe in people
or life becomes impossible.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
dramaturge and author)
I would rather trust
a woman’s instinct
than a man’s reason.
Stanley Baldwin,
1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley
Those who trust to chance
must abide
by the results of chance.
John Calvin Coolidge, Jr.
Whoever is careless
with the truth in small matters
cannot be trusted
with important matters.
Albert Einstein
Never trust anyone
who wants what you’ve got.
Friend or no,
envy is an overwhelming emotion.
James Hubert Blake,
better known as Eubie Blake
lyricist, and pianist)