The path leading away from fear and leading to confidence in life and trusting yourself and others is to let go and to permit ourselves anger.
Those who allow themselves to become angry can turn their feeling of powerlessness into strength. However, if the one allows themselves to remain trapped in rage and anger, or even tries to repress them, these emotions will be directed against oneself, people one loves and may even cause physical and mental illnesses.
You can (and must) allow to be angry with yourself and others! But don’t suppress it! Communicate, speak about it, get it sorted. This is the foundation for trust.
It is mutual trust,
even more than mutual interest,
that holds human associations together.
H. L. Mencken
cultural critic and scholar of American English)
A man who trusts nobody
is apt to be the kind
of man nobody trusts.
Maurice Harold Macmillan, 1st Earl of Stockton
The best way to find out
if you can trust somebody
is to trust them.
Ernest Miller Hemingway
Trust your hunches.
They’re usually based on facts
filed away
just below the conscious level.
Joyce Diane Brothers
It takes 20 years
to build a reputation
and five minutes to ruin it.
Warren Buffett
investor, and philanthropist)
The trust of the innocent
is the liar’s
most useful tool.
Stephen Edwin King
suspense, and fantasy)
Trust is built
with consistency.
Lincoln Davenport Chafee
Trust is like a mirror..
once its broken
you can never look at it
the same again…
Unknown author
Don’t trust words,
trust actions.
Unknown author