Both terrorism and insurance
sell fear
– and business is business.
Liam McCurry
former U.S. Marine Corps veteran)

Show business is my life.
When I was a kid
I sold insurance,
but nobody laughed.
Don Rickles
When I said
I no longer wanted
to be a painter,
that I wanted
to be an actor,
the first thing I did
was get a stinking job
in an insurance building.
Rod Taylor
There are worse things
in life than death.
Have you ever spent an evening
with an insurance salesman?
Woody Allen
The Act of God designation
on all insurance policies;
which means, roughly,
that you cannot be insured
for the accidents
that are most likely
to happen to you.
Alan Coren
The chief beneficiary
of life insurance policies
for young, single people
is the life insurance agent.
Wes Smith
and bioethics consultant)
Some directors expect you
to do everything;
write, be producer,
Some just want you
to die in a tragic accident
during the shooting
so they can get the insurance.
John Malkovich
I like gold
because it is a stabilizer;
it is an insurance policy.
Kevin O’Leary