Top 30 Poker Quotes by Great Players & Winners
One big criticism of poker these days is that the characters have gone out of the game. And where you get big poker players, you get fun and interesting quotes. It’s true that many of the best quotes in poker…
Top 50 Money Jokes – Short Quick One-Liners
This is a compilation of funny, quick, short one liner jokes and sayings about money. Not all of them have a deeper meaning. This collection is simply intended to bring a smile to your face or brighten up your day……
Best 25 Expressive and Noteworthy Stock Market Quotes
The question of “how to invest in stocks” interests many people. Which is why we set out to collect remarkable quotes on the topic. A true surprise, however, was that many of the stock market quotations are akin to our…
50 Vital Investment Quotes by Investors & Business Magnates
Welcome to our collection of the most meaningful proverbs and intelligent sayings about investment, business and the creation of wealth. Take a look at what true experts have said over centuries on the topic of investing. The quotes date back…
Top 50 Money Quotes to Change the Way You Think
It usually isn’t what you have or don’t have that makes you feel rich or poor. It is about how you think about possessions or the lack of them. Money does not ensure happiness, nor does it guarantee success. Here…