Addiction quote visualisation: Habits are first cobwebs, then cables - Spanish proverb

The unfortunate thing
about this world is
that good habits
are so much easier
to give up
than bad ones.

Somerset Maugham

(1874 – 1965, British playwright,
novelist and writer)

Health Quote: Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint - Mark Twain

Every form of addiction
is bad,
no matter
whether the narcotic
be alcohol
or morphine
or idealism.

Carl Jung

(1875 – 1961, Swiss psychotherapist and psychiatrist)

In the course of history
many more people
have died for
their drink and their dope
than have died for
their religion
or their country.

Aldous Huxley

(1894 – 1963, English writer)

The best way
to break a bad habit
is to drop it.

Leo Aikman

(1908 – 1978, American columnist and humorist)

once accepted,
becomes an addiction.

Edward Teller

(1908 – 2003, Hungarian-born American theoretical physicist)

Some people think
football is a matter
of life and death.
I assure you,
it’s much more serious
than that.

Bill Shankly

(1913 – 1981, Scottish footballer and manager)

The idea
that addiction is somehow
a psychological illness
is, I think,
totally ridiculous.
It’s as psychological
as malaria.
It’s a matter of exposure.
People, generally speaking,
will take any intoxicant
or any drug
that gives them
a pleasant effect
if it is available to them.

William S. Burroughs

(1914 – 1997, American writer,
essayist and painter)

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