Addiction quote visualisation: Habits are first cobwebs, then cables - Spanish proverb

The only thing
I’m addicted to right now
is winning.

Charlie Sheen

(*1965, American actor)

Soccer Quote: Soccer isn’t just a game anymore… It’s a lifestyle!

I knew
it was really, really popular
when my granny told me
she watched it,
and was addicted.
When your granny
is interested,
you know
you’re onto a winner.

Davina McCall

(*1967, English television presenter)

Become addicted
to constant
and never-ending

Anthony J. D’Angelo

(*1972, Chief Visionary Officer
of Collegiate EmPowerment)

The worst thing
about addiction is
that you spend all day
thinking about
how to stop
thinking about it.

James Yager

(*1983, American artist)

At some point,
your will dies.
At some point,
your addiction has
a whole other plan for you.

Whitney Mays

(Director of Hope House Addiction Recovery)

Addicts don’t deny
that they’re using.
They deny
that it’s hurting others.

Bob Poznanovich

(??, marketing consultant,
entrepreneur and author)

Statistics prove
that teenage Internet gambling
is the fastest
growing addiction of the day,
akin to drug
and alcohol abuse in the 1930s, …
It’s pernicious,
it’s evil,
it’s certainly one
that feeds on those
who are
the weakest members of society and…
that’s the young and the poor.

David Robertson

(??, former chairman of the
National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling)

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