Addiction quote visualisation: Habits are first cobwebs, then cables - Spanish proverb

Women have come
a long way
over the past 20 years,
but in substance abuse
and addiction,
women have come
the wrong way.

Joseph Califano

(*1931, former US Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare)

Money Quote: Do not value money for any more nor any less than it’s worth - Alexandre Dumas

I got addicted.
News, particularly daily news,
is more addictive
than crack cocaine,
more addictive
than heroin,
more addictive
than cigarettes.

Dan Rather

(*1931, American journalist)

The effect
of the mass media
is not to elicit belief
but to maintain
the apparatus of addiction.

Christopher Lasch

(1932 – 1994, American historian and social critic)

There was a lot
of tabloid journalism
about my supposed sex addiction.
It’s all bullshit.
I mean, come on,
I never pretended to be a saint.
But give me a break.

Michael Douglas

(*1944, American actor and producer)

If you believe
our president,
a former oil businessman,
is going to end
our addiction to oil,
shame on all of us.

Dan Seals

(1948 – 2009, American musician)

Why is it
that drug addicts
and computer aficionados
are both called users?

Clifford Stoll

(*1950, Astronomer who helped
to capture a notorious KGB hacker)

Whether talking
about addiction,
taxation [on cigarettes]
or education [about smoking],
there is always
at the center
of the conversation
an essential conundrum:
How come
we’re selling
this deadly stuff anyway?

Anna Quindlen

(*1952, American author and journalist)

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