Addiction quote visualisation: Habits are first cobwebs, then cables - Spanish proverb

With any addiction
like gambling,
it becomes the central
feature of the person’s life.
Everything else hangs on it.

Walt Miller

(1915 – 2001, American basketball player)

Discipline quote: Serving one’s own passions is the greatest slavery - Thomas Fuller

If addiction is judged by
how long a dumb animal
will sit pressing a lever
to get a “fix” of something,
to its own detriment,
then I would conclude
that netnews is far more
addictive than cocaine.

Robert Stämpfli

(1914 – 2002, Swiss physiologist and researcher)

We may think
there is willpower involved,
but more likely…
change is due
to want power.
Wanting the new addiction
more than the old one.
Wanting the new me
in preference to the person
I am now.

George Sheehan

(1918 – 1993, writer about the sport of running)

I admire anyone
who rids himself
of an addiction.

Gene Tierney

(1920 – 1991, American film and stage actress)

All drugs
of any interest
to any moderately
intelligent person in America
are now illegal.

Thomas Szasz

(1920 – 2012, psychiatrist and academic)

I know a man
who gave up smoking,
drinking, sex,
and rich food.
He was healthy
right up to the time
he killed himself.

Johnny Carson

(1925 – 2005, American television host and comedian)

In a consumer society
there are inevitably
two kinds of slaves:
the prisoners of addiction
and the prisoners of envy.

Ivan Illich

(1926 – 2002, Austrian philosopher
and Roman Catholic priest)

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